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Welcome to my blog.
Personally, I don't think I am a person of astronomical consequences. But, someday I want my life to be like what Jim Morrison said :
I see my self as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star.
Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!"
Then- whoosh, and I am gone....and they will never see any thing like it ever again....
and they wont be able to forget me- ever.
You will also find me at""

Thanks for coming!
Hope you have a pleasant stay here.

01 May, 2008

Our Caretaker

I generally commute to my office by my cycle. On my way there's a big tree. The one which protects us in all seasons. Shades us from the scorching sun, protects us from the downpour.

Is this not what we believe god does. But, for atheists, the tree to me resembles our conscience. The one that shades us. A shade under whose light we can clearly see the right from the wrong, distinguish just from unjust.

As James H. Aughey has quoted,

" Conscience is the voice of God in the soul. "