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Welcome to my blog.
Personally, I don't think I am a person of astronomical consequences. But, someday I want my life to be like what Jim Morrison said :
I see my self as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star.
Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!"
Then- whoosh, and I am gone....and they will never see any thing like it ever again....
and they wont be able to forget me- ever.
You will also find me at""

Thanks for coming!
Hope you have a pleasant stay here.

04 August, 2010

My very first illrstration...

Had always been uncomfortable using the freeform and path tools. These days, with only GIMP at my disposal, I decided to try it out. Finally I am done with my very first illustration - "Hungry".

Althought GIMP does not have all the amazing features of photoshop...but its a good tool to satisfy your creative "hunger". I felt the path tool in GIMP to be more easy to use.

I was on googling when I came upon this simple article about how to draw using a mouse. 

The colors were a treat to my eyes. I decided to try it out on my favorite fruit.
For professionals, drawing is as easy as snapping your fingers. But, the best way for beginners to familiarise with the path tool is to trace out the desired figure from a base drawing. So, for the worm, I downloaded this image and used it- partial trace and cut-paste.

Here is the color scheme and texture, I, used in my project.

Over all it was a fun filled activity.
If you are getting bored, don't hesitate to try out gimp at Its FREE!