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Welcome to my blog.
Personally, I don't think I am a person of astronomical consequences. But, someday I want my life to be like what Jim Morrison said :
I see my self as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star.
Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!"
Then- whoosh, and I am gone....and they will never see any thing like it ever again....
and they wont be able to forget me- ever.
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Hope you have a pleasant stay here.

14 September, 2008

a daughter's heart

A time when most of the people of my age enjoy the independence of staying alone, I am glad that I am still close to my home. I too used to wish I could stay alone (so does my sis). At times when my parents were away, they would install somebody in their place. So we always have had some one to handle us and the house. I wished so dearly for experience of staying alone, managing work and home, the food, the laundry and all. I know I could do it, but, never actually got the chance to prove it to myself. But life has been fair and I got my chance.

Ma and Pa were going to Dwaraka for a week and this time they could not arrange for some one to look after us. So we were on our own for a week. Both, myself and my sis, were happy about it. Of course, almost everyday our maternal and paternal uncles would call at night to check on us. But that could not dampen the thrill of staying alone for a week.
And even before we knew we were busy making a list of the recipes we would treat ourselves with. Now was our chance when we could prepare all the food items that we don't make due to dad's diet. A menu full of north indian "masaledhar" food items. Preparing the food, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, working used to keep us busy. I was lucky that my sister was home all the time and everything went smoothly. We being one noisy family and with my parents being away, suddenly there was so much silence. It was so boring. I used to wish for their return.

After a week they returned. I was early that day from office. Had decided to make something special for dinner by the time they were back. I was waiting eagerly for their return. That day I realized that my wish for their return was more than my eagerness to stay alone. I had never discovered this side of myself. I thought I was bold, unattached...but I was wrong. I dread the day I will have to move out.

Whenever there was a marriage in the family, I used to bet with my sister's if the new bride will get emotional and weep while leaving her home. I lost every time I bet. I was quite surprised when my sister got married. She is an extremely family oriented and emotional person. But she failed me again. She did not cry when she left us (Although she got very emotional each time she visited us. She even got tears in her eyes when her Mom-in-law was leaving for kerala, after a month's stay at her place.) Anyways I never got to win that bet.

And I am not going to bet when I get married. I fear I might win this time.


ME and me said...

Oo!! quite a emotional one yaar. I guess most of us would relate to it from the very first line till the last one. As always great piece ... :D

mRiDuLa said...

Thanks dear...well this post was drafetd several months back. But, finished it few days back. I guss the feelings get strong as we start realizing that the days we are spending with our family is not gonna come back.