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Welcome to my blog.
Personally, I don't think I am a person of astronomical consequences. But, someday I want my life to be like what Jim Morrison said :
I see my self as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star.
Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!"
Then- whoosh, and I am gone....and they will never see any thing like it ever again....
and they wont be able to forget me- ever.
You will also find me at""

Thanks for coming!
Hope you have a pleasant stay here.

28 June, 2008

Art Material from an Artist

A little here......

A little there..........

I want them all !!!

Aah........Saturday is here.....Have a mission to complete...

27 June, 2008

Mirroring through

Was returning home late when it rained. Luckily I had my camera with me.
The pics in dark never came out well.

But had always wanted to capture raindrops.

08 June, 2008

Something to explore

Had downloaded some brushes.

Hope have been successful in using it.

A pain to remember

Was sitting at the parlour, nervous as ever. I was waiting for the beautician. Had threading to be done. Had grabbed an old Readers Digest copy (October 2005 Readers digest).

The cover was occupied by Bethany Hamilton. Never heard of the name. I decided to read it till my turn came up. It was a real life story of an American Surfer . She is known for surviving a shark attack in which she lost her left arm, and for overcoming the serious and debilitating injury to return to surfing. It was just three weeks after the incident, and she was already surfing again. It was so inspiring.