


View my profile.
Welcome to my blog.
Personally, I don't think I am a person of astronomical consequences. But, someday I want my life to be like what Jim Morrison said :
I see my self as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star.
Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!"
Then- whoosh, and I am gone....and they will never see any thing like it ever again....
and they wont be able to forget me- ever.
You will also find me at""

Thanks for coming!
Hope you have a pleasant stay here.

04 August, 2010

Happy Friendship Day!!!

Just something for this friendship day.....

I miss my friends......Here's wishing you guys a very Happy Friendship Day!

My very first illrstration...

Had always been uncomfortable using the freeform and path tools. These days, with only GIMP at my disposal, I decided to try it out. Finally I am done with my very first illustration - "Hungry".

Althought GIMP does not have all the amazing features of photoshop...but its a good tool to satisfy your creative "hunger". I felt the path tool in GIMP to be more easy to use.